Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Houdini Is At It AGAIN!!

This child will never cease to amaze me.

After the whole climbing out of the crib week, we moved Nicholas into his big boy bed, which has been set up in his room since we bought our house. He is doing Fabulously with it. He even slept all night last night until 8 this morning. He still wakes most nights and comes into our bed, but he just meanders down the hall and wakes me to lift him in. Works out better for me, since he is now the one that has to walk the hall.

But today was a new trick. A totally unpredicted trick. A totally astonishing trick.

You see Nicholas looked like quite the handsome man today. He got his haircut, which in itself made him look too cute for words. But he also was wearing a beautiful blue striped shirt with a pair of khaki shortalls. This particular pair of pants, had the standard overall latches up front, but did NOT and I repeat NOT have snaps along the legs. In order for him to put them on and off, the straps had to be unhooked.

While outside this afternoon, I hear Katie yell, "Nick took his diaper off". And sure enough, when I got to him, he was diaper free, yet somehow magically he had done it while still wearing his overalls. No latches undone! Pants still on! My thought is that he reached down the sides to unfasten the diaper, which then was able to be pulled out through one of the leg holes of his pants.

His ingenuity will never cease to amaze me!

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