Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Happy Birthday #3

Happy Birthday to the cutest big boy ever!

The one who likes to say "Chicken Feet".

The one who asks for ice cream for breakfast.

The one who happily dips his apples in ketchup.

The boy who is always hungry.

The one who loves all things green.

The one who drives a pink Barbie Jeep around without a care.

Who loves Playdoh and Legos and playing outside.

The boy who is all boy.

The one with the sweetest wet kisses.

The one with the most vigorous hugs.

And the one who loves his daddy, mom, and sister at different times in different ways.

Happy Birthday #3!


Celeste Creates said...

Happy Birthday Nick! We were thinking about you yesterday! I can't believe how big you are now!! Looking so grown up.

Mom of boys said...

Happy Birthday!

From your companion in 3 year old crime,

Philip et al