Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Housekeeping Meme

From Michele:

Nope. Don't have one, and probably wouldn't use it, even if I did.

Love to bake anything and everything! I prefer the easy cookies vs. anything requiring pre-refrigeration, but anything else is fine by me.

Banned by the home owners association. YEP, can you believe it?

DONUTS: Have you ever made them?
Forget it. Never tried making them, never intend to. I would rather trek to the local Dunkin Donuts.

EVERY DAY: One homemaking thing you do every day.
Dishes, dishes and more dishes! And I despise doing them.

FREEZER: Do you have a separate deep freeze?
Nope. Couldn't even imagine what to do with one. I like freshly made food.

YEP, but ours has been known to eat occasional silverware as well as food.

HANDBOOK: What is your favorite homemaking resource?
Friends and family are the best sources for recipes and information.

IRONING: Love it or hate it?
Neither. I don't mind it, but I also don't do it that often. I love the smell of ironing though and the nice clean look it leaves. Usually, I only iron a few shirts and material for quilting or sewing projects.

JUNK DRAWER: Y/N? Where is it?
Not anymore. We used to have 2 of them in our old house in the kitchen. Since we moved, I have managed not to have one. I bought little organizers for the drawers for scissors, paper clips, etc., and everything has a home.

KITCHEN: Design and decorating?
Right now it is brown and dark with a weird Deep brown fruit border at the top. I love my cabinets which are a golden oak, and intend to get hardwood floors installed this year sometime. I would also like a backsplash, and someday better counters. Still have to figure out how to redo the walls though. Brown is not my color.

LOVE: What is your favorite part of homemaking?
Hmmm. Redecorating, and baking.

Not as often as I should. Lots of times, my hubby does this one. Another dreaded chore along with dishes. Seems I don't like water related jobs.

NYLONS: Wash by hand or in the washing machine?
Neither if possible. I rarely wear them, and if I do, I tend to rip them easily and just buy new ones. If I do have to wash them, they are hand done.

OVEN: Do you use the window or open the door to check?
The door. Who can see through those windows??

PIZZA: What do you put on yours?
I love Veggie Pizza!! The rest of the family are strictly cheese people. So I tend to make cheese pizza, no sauce for Katie, and always with some garlic. YUM!

QUIET: What do you during the day when you get a quiet moment?
Nap! I love to sleep and never seem to get enough. I also like to read.

Nope. Recipe books. Recipes on computer. And some cards that are all with the recipe books.

Traditional, whatever that means. In a state of flux inside. Some rooms have been decorated in our style and some are still in the style of the previous owners. So we have drab browns and rusty oranges, mixed with dusky blues and sage green, and of course pink for my girl.

Only on special holidays, if I have a holiday tablecloth. Napkins are paper towels or paper napkins.

UNDER THE KITCHEN SINK: Organized or toxic wasteland?
Another much improved area since moving. Organized with only a trash can, dishwasher detergent and dish washing soap, trash bags, and a dust pan. I even vacuum it out every couple of weeks to get those unsightly crumbs and bits that miss the trash.

VACUUM: How many times per week?
Daily. But not every room. I do the downstairs rooms 3 or 4 times a week, and the kitchen floor almost daily. The bedrooms get done once a week. The stair are currently out of luck. Houdini took off with my vacuum attachments and I haven't been able to locate them.

WASH: How many loads of laundry do you do a week?
It varies by season. In winter, I do about 6. In summer it is more like 4. Bulky clothes take up a lot of room.

X'S: Do you keep a daily list of things to do and cross them off?

YARD: Who does what?
Mike does all the lawn work. I do the gardening and flowers.

Zzzz: What is your last housekeeping task for the day?
You just never know. Most days, cleaning all the odds and ends of toys and other things off the floor.

I tag Melissa.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thanks for the comments on my homeschooling thoughts. It's good to know we're not alone in these struggles. Oh, and my garbage disposal always eats those plastic valves from the boys' sippy cups. :)